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Home School Students In Florida


Home School Students and Parents Beware............

Did you know that your School District is not obligated to issue any documentation to support that you have met the District of State graduation requirements? Before committing to the Home School option clarify with your District about what their role in your child's education is.

Also, for those choosing to earn their Home School Credits through Florida Virtual School (FLVS) or any Virtual School read the fine print. Florida Virtual does not issue High School Diplomas to “Seniors” completing courses with their program under their Part-Time aka FLEX program. You must be a Full Time Senior registered FLVS as a Full-Time FLVS Student before FLVS will issue you a High School Diploma or Certificate of Completion. Please read the fine print because their web site does advise you of this.

We just help a young man who was about to lose a $75,000 scholarship because neither FLVS nor his Home School Office would provide documentation to support that he met the District or State graduation requirements. Don't lose out on opportunities because you aren't aware of what the pitfalls of your chosen educational program could be.


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