High School Guidance, LLC
"We Give A Hoot" About Educational Success!
Educational Consultant/School Counselor
My name is Jerrell W. Armont and I'm the Director of High School Guidance, LLC.
I earned my Masters’ Degree in School Guidance and Counseling from NOVA Southeastern University. I have served as a School Counselor in Duval County in Jacksonville, Florida and was the 2014-2015 Teacher of The Year at Edward H. White High School. I am also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator and Educational Surrogate. I am passionate about my work with “At Risk” students due the fact that I survived being one myself and I know that educational success can be achieved.
As a Guardian ad Litem I’ve witnessed students in Foster Care being retained based on a shortage of credits and have watched students leaving detention centers lose credits. The sad part is that some students had actually earned the credits but they were lost in the shuffle of the student being placed in new homes, centers, and schools. I’ve reviewed Academic Histories which did not reflect all credits earned as supported by the students Transcripts or history which resulted in a shortage of credits and in some cases led to retention. Some children argue completion of courses but often go unheard because their case workers or caregivers don’t know what to look for or how to investigate the concern. High School Guidance, LLC can be that voice. Our Certified School Counselors are trained to look for academic discrepancies and assist case workers, parents, and stake holders to find lost credits. We provide Family Mediation and coach students towards academic success.
In the school system there are advocates for English Language Learners, for students with Disabilities, monitoring of students receiving Free and Reduced Lunch but who’s watching over the academic needs of students in Foster Care? We have extended our services to include ex-offenders and adults seeking to obtain their high school diplomas. We put an emphasis on Foster Care Students because those who earn High School Diplomas are entitled to 100% free college to Florida State Colleges and Universities if they meet entry and state requirements. Educational success is necessary to ensure a brighter future.
What happens to the education of persons who did not complete High School and have aged out the traditional educational systems? Should these persons just give up or do they still have options? The answer to both these questions is that you still have the opportunity to earn "YOUR" high school diploma at "Any Age." You do not have to settle for a GED or going without your High School Diploma any longer. Let High School Guidance, LLC, guide you and introduce you to new life options by achieving your High School Diploma.
I am a Dreamer and I dare to dream that one day I might make a difference in the lives of “At Risk” youths and persons seeking to better their life opportunities. As a homeless youth myself, I know the secrets of youths and I understand their silence, therefore I am committed to be a voice who advocates for their educational success and the educational success of “ALL” because,
I “Give a Hoot!”
Why us?
We are a unique group of School Counselors with special skills to include Family Mediation. We are able to mediate educational issues to assist students to get on the right track of high school graduation even if you've dropped out.
We can further assist our students by helping them to establish life goals and develop post secondary life options.